Pace Black

The craze of reggae music in Papua was already embedded a few decades ago. This thing becomes a blessing with the emergence of many qualified reggae performers. One of them is Kurniant Degei who is known as Pace Black, a man from the district of Dogiai, who is now based in Nabire, Papua. 

His stage name ‘Pace Black’ comes from Papuan word ‘pace’ which means a young fellow or man, a black man.

Pace Rasta has released some singles and one of them which attracted much attention is his most vibrant hit “Music reggae.” He shared the story behind the song: “I was inspired by my seniors in Jayapura like Dave Solution and Billy Tropico (Tropico Rasta). We used to play music together when I was still there. The lyric says reggae is a good companion and I sing it in my own ragamuffin style.”

Beside releasing his own songs, Pace Black also took part in some collaborations with local artists such as “Denda Adat” (customary fines) and “Mege Mumai” that have been released early this year.

Follow the on-going musical journey of Pace Black in his social media.

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