Special Issue: New Harmony Of Ska In Indonesia

The journey of the Jamaican music nexus in Indonesia started several decades ago. At first glance, it seems like a manifestation of the musical exploration of the country’s artists. Jamaican music nexus variety sounds “only” embedded as a fresh infusion in the repertoires from Indonesian artists. Starting from rock music outfits that include the up-stroke rhythms in their compositions, the strong bass lines with unique syncopations wrapped in the majesty touch from the brass department.

Music audiences in Indonesia have enjoyed these releases through the works that attached the infusion of the Jamaican music nexus from the likes of Black Brothers, Abresso, The Rollies, Fariz RM, Yockie Suryo Prayogo and also Ernie Djohan.

In the 90s, the album “Anak Pantai” from Imanez was released. An album that later became history and gave birth to the growth of reggae in the country, to this day. Among them through the work of “The President” Tony Q, Steven Kaligis with his Steven & The Coconuttreez and Steven Jam and Ras Muhamad.

In this era, ska music began to appear in the country. Along with the arrival of an alternative subculture for the Indonesian music scene that brought the DIY (do It Yourself) ethos in Indonesia in the mid 1990s, as we have been published here. Ska have sprung up not only from Jakarta. This also coincides with the flourishing of ska collectives in various regions in the country.

Having triumphed in the music industry in the 90s, Ska is still here today. Phenomenal bands like Type X are still kicking with their works until now. In fact, they are the ska’s outfit from Indonesia with the highest number of streams, alongside Souljah. Shaggydog, one of the legendary ska outfits from Indonesia will celebrate 25 years of their musical journey this month.

In our 2 year anniversary’s special article, Kultur summarises several names post-1990’s in the country that have released their ska works and have been our soundtrack of choice for the past 2 years.


El Magnifico

This outfit from the city of Solo is one of post-2000 ska’s charm in the country. Recently, their move to hold a promo tour is quite a smartest effort to bring ska with its social awareness. “El Magnifico Food Defender Tour 2022” is a highlight of the energy they shared. If they're always kicking their works in the future,maybe Prince Buster will smile up there for the effort of "Voice Of The People" from the city of Solo. We recommend "Pablo The Dog" (Studio Version) for further steps to know with El Magnifico.


From the city of Malang, Lucky ex ska-punk outfit Youngster City Rockers’ frontman continued his musical journey with the Slowright quintet. The single "Satu", a series of tours and their debut EP were made consecutively within a very brief period of time. A very promising act of productivity. With the formula of mixing various elements within the Jamaican music nexus, this outfit brings a modern atmosphere reminiscent of the musical energy from Longbeach’s Sublime. The recommendation from us is their debut single, “Satu” indeed, the great energy with a sweet contemplative atmosphere!



This self proclaimed dirty reggae unit with a punk attitude from Jakarta seems to be subtle. They are the real party crashers in every gig they headlined. This unit always shares happiness through the sweat that burnt from the dancefloors. A few years ago, they paid a homage to the legendary suburban ska rhythm unit, Artificial Life. They released "I wanna Skank" EP which contains songs from Artificial Life, of course with a new dimension through the infusion of a powerful attitude from D'Jenks.


We included this musical outfit because of D'Jenks' whiskey-butt charm and powerful raw grooves that are always on our writing room's heavy rotation playlist.

Lantai Dua Berdansa

This music unit from the city of Surabaya, indeed has not yet added many to their discography list. However, the soulful yet powerful vocal of the frontwoman became an addition to the new harmony of ska in the country post the 1990s. Her vocal acrobatics is one of the reasons why their compositions are so powerful and soulful. Since we got their press kit almost 2 years ago, the song “Runaway” is one of the tracks that we play over and over again.

Glorious Friends

This ska music unit from the city of Malang brings their works with the infusion of Indonesian evergreen songs. This quintet comes with their sweet charms through the 10 track album called “Titik Terang.” The repertoire in this set is a proof of their contribution to the new harmony of ska in the country.

Grisness Culture

From the city of Semarang, a group of youths who called themselves as Grisness Culture

Indeed brings a very common pop style with its romance lyrics. However, their agility to bring a very own Indonesian literature is one of the highlights of their move in the realm of Indonesian post 90’s ska, an articulation of Ska culture in their own way.

The Regards

One of the 2000s generation ska outfits from the country who were inspired by the 2Tone movement, is a music unit from Tangerang. A music unit with its 8 members who brings the solid spirit of ska for the people. They have released the EP “Probation Vol.1” as well as a powerful, satirical single about the working class, “Yes, sir!” A track that we highly recommend if you’d like to find the new harmonies of Indonesian ska.

The Gravelites

The production approach to pursuing a classic taste in the style of early ska which was carried by The Gravelites, a trio from the city of Salatiga, is arguably a smart effort. Their explorative ethos on their audio treatment is such a blueprint in all of their repertoires. “VII Deadly Skank!” and “Get It On”, their debut and sophomore album said it all! Happily, we’d like to recommend you another post 90’s ska from Indonesia.


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