Shaggydog: The Story From Sayidan

This band has many interesting records, achievements, popularity and of course the massive number of fans. It all begins from a narrow and dark alley at the corner of Yogyakarta. Coming from an era when ska was gradually establishing its existence in Indonesia, they can still boost the highest energy of the crowd in dancing to their songs and rhythms. We’re still eager for their upcoming works from the enthusiasm, spirit, speciality and peculiarity of an approach in the unique musical signature that they always nurture. Kultur brings you a glimpse of the story we all shall hear from a dark alley behind the bustling Ngayogyakarta, the Royal city!

Flashback to 2010, kultur had a “tour” which was guided directly by Heruwa himself, the frontman. We rode along with his black motorbike to explore every phenomenal corner complete with its detailed stories. He also shared about the rise and the glory of Sayidan alley that gave birth to one of the biggest Jamaican sound outfits in Indonesia. 

“Bila kau datang dari Selatan, Langsung saja menuju Gondomanan, Belok kanan sebelum perempatan, teman-teman riang menunggu di Sayidan”,

This piece of lyric from Shaggydog directly gives us direction to Sayidan, the melting-pot of musicians across genres in Yogyakarta. It is a narrow and dark alley with a thousand stories.

Bandizt as a native resident of Sayidan recounts, “back then, when we were hanging out there were lots of hilarious stories such as frightened of being chased by cops, witnessing a Tom and Jerry-style scene between prostitutes and the authorities, or even falling asleep on the sidewalk until dawn due to got too high”. Raymond, Richard, Lilik, Yoyo and Heruwa, the other permanent members of “the Sayidan’s Clan” verified this story.

In mid-1996, Bandizt, Raymond, and Aji formed a band. Raymond then hooked his high school colleague, Heru and his fellow resident, Lilik. Meanwhile Bandizt also invited his relatives, Richard who is also another resident of Sayidan.

“Shaggydog” is a name that was inspired by a movie. At first they didn’t play ska. The encounter and love of ska started when they got a cassette tape of The Specials from Wiro (one of Indonesian Ska scenester who is also a frontman of Indonesian biggest brass outfit, Sentimental Moods) when they were hanging out somewhere in Yogya. They later made a faithful commitment to choose ska as their musical foundation despite at that time it was still an alien to the ears of most Indonesian music lovers. Finalizing their line-up, they recruited Tomi, Iron, and Indra for the brass section.

First chapter they wrote was marked by their original work entitled “Room”. This song was compiled through a cross-genre compilation “United Underground” in 1998. However, just as it was released, Aji decided to resign from the band. 

Bandizt and Richard then looked for a replacement for this vital position. They recruited Yoyo, a guy they often met in music studio sessions near Gadjah Mada University. At that time, Yoyo was a member of a death metal band, Brutal Corpse (a band that also participated in the compilation of United Underground). “At first, I got a reprimand because my hitting was too hard,” recalled Yoyo. “Understandably, the move from hyper beat drumming to dance strains is not an easy thing and requires an adaptation process,” he added.

The chapter continues, Yoyo’s presence as a “tub-thumper”  really infused something to the band as a beat maker. This line-up immediately produced the song “Kecoa” (cockroach), inspired by the large number of cockroaches in Heru’s house at that time. And this continued with the release of his debut album “Untitled”. With lots of influences from each personnel, this album brings forth smart and representative lyrics for their listeners. Capitalized by a wide musical background, the album was a very strong debut. With artwork done by Ipang from the “Bedebah” Art Collective, this album was released in 1999. Not long after that, in 2001 they continued their sophomore effort through the album “Bersama”. It has an impressive cover, depicting a pair of children (Heruwa’s older brother & sister) and of course the music is getting solid and denser. This album was handled independently yet powerfully pushing and stretching their path even further.

In 2003, a Japanese label released one of Shaggydog’s songs in a compilation format “Asian Ska Foundation”. This project involves many Asian ska outfits, including several other homeland outfits. These young lads from Sayidan seem to have found their path into expanding roads to move their steps even further.

This time it’s tangible with tours from Yogya to Australia, Europe and also America. They slowly garnered wider recognition as well. The critics praise them and the doggies (the devoted fans) are getting massive.

Later in 2007, one of Indonesian big music magazines, Rolling Stones Indonesia acknowledged and put “Di Sayidan”  into Indonesian 150’s Best Songs list they genuinely curated. 

This journey that they paved, does not come easily. The pressure since the beginning affects the mentality of each personnel to keep pushing forward. Manytimes doubt and even cynicism overtook them with a question like “What would you become? you just spend your time hanging out,” recalled Raymond. Heruwa said while chuckling, “there once someone sent us a letter up to 3 pages from somewhere!” It criticized Shaggydog’s decision to work with a major label in 2003. Not surprisingly, this is a kind of love and care from the doggies (fans) for Shaggydog and an important thing to learn from. Always inspiring, and, Yes! Shaggydog continues to walk the path that is getting wider and wider.

The album “Hot Dogz” marks the official logo of Shaggydog. An icon from a dog named “Rude Dawg”, hand-painted by Mimi, one of Ipang’s colleagues (the illustrator for the album “Untitled”). The album was released in 2003 through one of Indonesian major labels and  helped to push Shaggydog’s steps even further. Through many TV stations, the music video of “Anjing Kintamani” (Kintamani Dog) has spread more and more throughout the nation. The song “Di Sayidan” seems to be the best-cut in this album, which also plays a pivotal role in encouraging Shaggydog to continue its success.

Today none of the band members stay in Sayidan, however, this legendary alley is always synonymous and identical with them. “Until now, there are still many ‘doggies’ (devoted fans) from outside the city who think we still hangout in Sayidan,” said Lilik. “Since 2004, after we returned from our Netherland’s tour, we moved to our own home and rarely hang out at Sayidan” Bandizt explained. 

“Doggy House” Shaggydog home-based and label is located at Jl. Nogosari, this is where they would always work and hangout now. Not only the fans, the government also pays special attention to the village where it is located. “Hopefully it will become a culture-based tourism village” said the six of them in unison. 

Shaggydog is still kicking, making people dance, and plaguing the crowds to go wild with them. This authentic story that sprung out from Sayidan, the narrow and dark alley deserves a big toast! “Angkat sekali lagi gelasmu kawan!” (raise your glass once again, my friend!

(author:keyko, editor:sam, translation supervision:yedi)


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