
Palembang is one of the cities in Sumatra which has a dynamic music scene. There are several Jamaican Sound music units that enliven the dynamics in this city. One of them is a quintet called Telenlokal.

Against different musical backgrounds and preferences, this quintet uses them as their own formula for their repertoire. Since joining forces two years ago, this music unit has released two singles, “Mati Suri” and “VS Pemula” through their official SoundCloud and YouTube channel.

Ryan Valdis (Vocals), Alfcobain (Guitar), Bowie (Bass), Ferly (Drums) & Fadliansyah a.k.a Apek (Keyboard) mixed reggae and dub Bob Marley as their initial inspiration to gather up in Telenlokal. They also poured their daily musical acquiring into their repertoire such as Pink Floyd-ish guitar influence in “Mati Suri” and “VS Pemula”, also some of hip hop grooves and psychedelic vibe.

Currently, Telenlokal is preparing for their debut album which is now on the mixing and mastering stage and will be released soon.

Stay up to date for the latest news from the quintet from Swarna Dwipa through their own official channel:

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