Jumat Libur Sound Sytem

The pandemic situation that terrorizes all parts of the world, requires various activities to be temporarily suspended. Jason Latuasan, Dj Cbee, Dilla, Devin, & Anthony D A.K.A Blvkindo experienced the cessation of all their usual routines. Regarding this, these Bali based musicians unites the positive energy and merges together into a sound system’s culture unit with the flag of Jumat Libur Sound System.

Departing from different backgrounds for each personnel, Jumat Libur Sound System experimented with the distinctive characters of each member and chose to infuse  “Jamaican sounds” in composing their works.

Skankin Free”, they called the genre they created. Roots, Ska, Dub, Raggamuffin are some of the main elements of the Jumat Libur Sound System musical style.

(keyko, sam)


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