Ranking Joe Meets Red-I EP “Killademic”

Ranking Joe, a living legend from Jamaica, is back with a new release. This time he hooked up with one of the top dub producers from Manila-Philippines, Red I. They brought their work in an EP entitled “Killademic”.

Known for his distinctive steppa touch, Red I still concentrates on the dominant power of the bassline vibration. It’s like he guarantees a big boom in a giant speaker set at a music party. He still keeps the infusion of a “mystical” scented melody which is also one of his signatures. This sweetness can be traced in the tracks “Killademic” and “Lion Roar”, along with the dub version.

The veteran, Ranking Joe, is one of the names that could not be doubted. It is his special energy that brings greatness to the music. The track “Lion Roar” can be used as a proof and of course to enjoy the powerful vibrations from it.

Ranking Joe’s “Killademic” and Red-I is certainly a musical set not that you can’t miss!
(Text: Keyko, Editor & Translation: Sam)

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