Broderhood “Selamatkan Badak Sumatera”

The awareness about the balance of nature and the environment is important. This is an issue raised by one of the reggae music units from Medan, Broderhood. Through the single “Selamatkan Badak Sumatera”, they brought the Jamaican sounds with social awareness infusion. A reason why kultur recommended this track.
With an alternative music vibe in reggae compositions and the dominance of light melodies from guitars, this track indeed brings a simplicity. It’s the lyrics they convey that is the big thing about this song. Broderhood straightforwardly voiced the idea behind this song.

“Broderhood dedicated this song to one of the endangered animals, Sumatran Rhino, which is currently on the verge of extinction. Various factors behind this are uncontrollable land clearing and forest encroachment, as well as rampant poaching, lots of people try to satisfy their lust by put Sumatran rhino in danger”.

Check the track here:

(Keyko, Sam)

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