Roadblock Dub Collective LP “Magna Ragom”

Magna Ragom is a combination of two words, Magna (Latin) which means great and the traditional Lampung slogan Ragom which means togetherness. According to Sam & Iday, it reflects the spirit and energy of the 10 songs in the album. 

With the spirit of togetherness, they collaborated with a number of great talents such as cellist Arini Kumara from ArumTala, accordionist Emilia Inés Vega from Argentina, Jimi Delvian from Hutan Tropis, saxophonist/trumpet player Iriawan Wijaya, Kwartyana Gandasaputri & Melan E. Rajagukguk, poet NAP, Phrovsta, Sahilin, the great hero of South Sumatra folklore and mellotron/keyboard player Tegi Merkuri. 

Magna Ragom is also supported by Nugroho Arif Prabowo, Roadblock Dub Collective’s old compatriot who is responsible for the artwork. Meanwhile, Ben Gunawi and Jimi Delvian handled the audio process at Suarasuku Studio in Jakarta and AD Studio in Palembang.

For the distribution, they entrusted Culture Dub Records, a French record label and inspirational website that is also a world-class dub party event organizer. Culture Dub injected extra energy into Roadblock Dub Collective by sending one of its best audio engineers, Dub Machinist to work on all the mastering processes. 

Looking at the details, Magna Ragom’s 10 songs thematically focus on the vibration of brotherhood. Starting from honouring important figures who deserve appreciation, a call to care for the sea, a song of joy about culture as well as about the disruptive anxiety in the media as a provider of symmetrical discussions and a call to dance with various nuances in between.

Magna Ragom showcases Roadblock Dub Collective’s signature cultural-bash. Sub bass vibration and bubbler skanking rhythm wrapped in traditional Lampung elements accompany  messages that evoke consciousness. The repetition of lyrics and the reverb and delay effects of the music are like a mantra to the subconsciousness that leaves an impression to one’s self for a deep contemplation after the party.

These testimonials will be fair enough through your own experience listening to this debut album which is already available on various digital music platforms. Enjoy listening to Roadblock Dub Collective’s cultural bash!


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