Baxlaxboy and Avan Rude Present “Pantoura Boys Tour” 2020

At the end of 2020, Baxlaxboy and Avan Rude, two important Jamaican music scenesters from the city of Cirebon – Indonesia, are ready to hold a joint tour through the West Java region in a tour they called “Pantoura Boys Tour” 2020. 

Coming from a different musical background, this performance will be something special for Jamaican music lovers. In addition, Baxlaxboy and Avan Rude will share positive energy through their flawless set-lists which of course come with health protocols that are prioritized in the midst of this pandemic. 

Both Baxlaxboy and Avan Rude have already set several venues in West Java for this Pantoura Boys Tour 2020. Follow Kultur for more information about this tour.


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