Semut Semut Merayap

The development of ska in the country is getting lively from year to year. Various identities from various places in the country also colored the good hype of the local scene. One of them is From Kediri, East Java – Indonesia, a ska outfit called Semut Semut Merayap (The Marching Ants). This music unit has been the pride of the city since 2012.

With a line-up containing Ferdi Agusta (Drums), M. Ilham (Percussion), Putra Trianggara (Keyboard), Erfan WT, Denis Prasetyawan (Guitar), Arif Eka Darmawan (Bass), Ajie Kaafi (Trombone), Feri (Trumpet) ) and Afrizal Bimbim (singer), They started off as a ska unit with cover versions.

Year 2017, became the starting point for “Semut Semut Merayap” to compile a formula for their works. In January 2021 they have released their debut LP “Jaripat”. One of the best cuts in this album is a song called “Kediriku”, a single that successfully captured the attention of many listeners.

This outfit from Kediri is also actively involved in the arts movement in their city. Sarang Semut Creative Space is a creative space for the public that they have built.

Please browse them further by getting the latest news through their social media channels here:
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