Woodland Records – Dub For Social Change

Woodland Records is a dub record label based in Northern Bulgaria. They distribute music releases on vinyl, digital downloads, and polyvinyl from their own studios; donate 100% of the profits to grassroots human, animal and environmental rights organizations.

Periodically, every month Woodland Records changes the organization to which they donate. Even the label, which is managed by Matt & Billie, is open to accepting recommendations for organizations to be the target for their donations. As long as the organization comes from the grassroots.

To date, Woodland Records has released Dub Kazman, Conscious Youth, Zion Train, Zahyu, Forward Fever, Daman & Jacko and Beanie & The Co-Operators.

With their belief in “share is care”, Woodland Records is not just a dub music imprint. Woodland Records became an inspiring consciousness from northern Bulgaria. A real action in the name of dub name for a change!

Stay updated and watch for their magical releases here:
Instagram & Bandcamp

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